I have been developing websites and web applications for going on 11 years now and have always wanted to share some of the interesting things I have learned along the way. I even went so far as to write 3 different blog engines for personal use along the way but the first two never even got off the ground. The first version was after around 2-3 years of starting at the company I currently work at. I had switched over from building static HTML sites to learning Visual Basic and Asp.Net Web Forms and using SQL and XML/Text files for storing data. I wrote my first blog engine using web forms and with a MSSQL database and it supported posts, categories, comments and pages and I was super happy with the end result.
As I was getting ready to write my first post, one of my friends asked me how I had secured the site against SQL injection attacks etc. It was then that I realized I still had a long way to go before my blog was going to be ready as I hadn’t really taken that into account. Fast forward about 4 years and I had moved over from Visual Basic to C# and from Web Forms to Asp.Net Web Pages using the Razor syntax. It was then that I decided to have a go at re writing my blog using all the new technologies and security practices I had learned along the way. It turned out great and I was once again happy with the end result. Unfortunately my timing was not the best and with minimal spare time on my hands due to work commitments, the blog soon got relegated to the back burner.
Fast forward another few years and I now still work with C# but have started using the MVC design pattern and am really liking the new .Net Core framework. I decided it was well overdue to get my blog off the ground and start posting about the new stuff I learn on an almost daily basis now that I have a little free time on my hands. Version three of my blog now is built using .Net Core with a SQLite database and is fully responsive and runs on an Ubuntu VPS.
I think I am going to start off with a series of posts regarding the brilliant web based control panel (TinyCP) I found for my VPS and how with minimal effort, I was able to use it to quickly deploy a .Net Core Website using Apache as a proxy.
Thanks for reading.