Understanding the file structure of a CodeIgniter 4 website

Understanding the file structure of a CodeIgniter 4 website
Article posted on 21 January 2023 in Category CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter 4 is a popular PHP web application framework that is known for its simplicity and ease of use. One of the key features of CodeIgniter 4 is its file structure, which is designed to be easy to understand and navigate, even for beginners. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the file structure of a CodeIgniter 4 website and explain what each of the main directories and files do.

The first thing you will notice when you open up a CodeIgniter 4 website is the "app" directory. This is the main directory for your application and contains all the files that make up your website. Inside the app directory, you will find several subdirectories, including:

  • Controllers: This directory contains all the controllers for your website. Controllers are responsible for handling user requests and returning the appropriate response. They are the glue that binds your models and views together.
  • Models: This directory contains all the models for your website. Models are responsible for interacting with the database and performing any necessary data manipulation. They provide an abstraction layer between your controllers and the database, making it easy to change your database without affecting the rest of your application.
  • Views: This directory contains all the views for your website. Views are responsible for displaying the data returned by your controllers to the user. They are written in a simple template language, making it easy to create reusable templates and layouts.
  • Config: This directory contains all the configuration files for your website. These files define settings such as database connections, email settings, and other application-wide settings.
  • Language: This directory contains all the language files for your website. These files define the text used in the views, and can be easily translated into different languages.
  • Public: This directory contains all the public files for your website. These files include images, CSS, and JavaScript files.
  • Writable: This directory contains files that can be written to by the application.

The next important directory is the "system" directory. This directory contains the CodeIgniter 4 core files and should not be modified. It contains the libraries, helpers, and other files that make up the framework.

Lastly, the "public" directory contains the index.php file, which is the entry point for all requests to your website. It is responsible for initializing the CodeIgniter 4 application and routing the request to the appropriate controller.

In conclusion, understanding the file structure of a CodeIgniter 4 website is essential for working with the framework. By understanding the purpose of each directory and file, you will be able to navigate and modify your application more easily. As you become more familiar with CodeIgniter 4, you will find that its file structure makes it easy to organize and maintain your application, even as it grows in complexity.